Result of submission of papers
Author guidelines
A) The submitted papers must present research results (completed or in progress) and be submitted to only one of the 15 Working Groups:
- WG 01 – Mathematics in Elementary School and Junior High
- WG 02 – Mathematics Education in Junior High and High School
- WG 03 – Curriculum and Mathematics Education
- WG 04 – Mathematics Education and Higher Education
- WG 05 – History of Mathematics and Culture
- WG 06 – Mathematics Education: new Technologies and Distance Learning
- WG 07 – Formation of Mathematics Teachers
- WG 08 – Evaluations in Mathematics Education
- WG 09 – Cognitive and linguistic processes in Mathematics Education
- WG 10 – Mathematical Modeling
- WG 11 – Philosophy of Mathematics Education
- WG 12 – Teaching Probabilities and Statistics
- WG 13 – Difference, Social Inclusion, and Mathematics Education
- WG 14 – Didactics of Mathematics
- WG 15 – History of Mathematics Education
Each researcher may submit up too two studies based on the following situations:
- The researcher is the author (or coauthor) of the two studies submitted to the WG in which they will take part.
- The researcher is the author of the study submitted to the WG in which he or she will take part in during the event
and is the coauthor of the second study that will be presented by the first author in another WG.
The studies may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
- At submission, all authors should be members of the SBEM, and Annual 2018 membership of Brazilian members must be up to date.
This requirement is not valid to foreign researchers, who do not need to become members to submit a study. If the study is accepted for presentation,
the first author should have paid the enrollment fee to ensure the publication of his study in the annals.
- Each WG will determine the maximum number of studies accepted, whether these are presented or published only, according to demand. A limited number
of studies will be accepted by each WG, whether to present or to publish in the annals only.
B) The text
- Each study should be 8 to 12 pages long, including abstract, keywords, figures, diagrams, references, and supplementary materials as specified in the standards issued
by Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) in place.
- Each study should follow the structure of an article, presenting the rationale behind the research hypothesis, theoretical framework, methodology, analysis and discussion
of results, conclusions and recommendations, references, and, if necessary, supplementary material.
- Abstracts should have 200 words maximum. A title and 3 to 6 keywords must be given in English and in the authors’ native language. A title in another language may be
provided immediately above the abstract given in the second language.
- The work should be submitted without the authors' identification. li>
- Footnotes, when required, should be placed on the same page as the associated citation in the text.
- References and footnotes should be given according to the ABNT standards in place.
- Legends of figures and tables should follow the ABNT standard. When necessary, a source may be given.
- References should be placed at the end of the text, containing only the works cited.
- The text has to be typed using the template (Download Template Here)
available in the website of SIPEM, according to the formatting requirements described in item C below.
Texts that were not written using the template will be refused.
C) Typing and formatting: (Download Template Here)
- PDF Format.
- Font: Times New Roman, tamanho 12.
- A4 paper; 2.5 cm top and bottom margins; 3 cm right and left margins; 1.5 cm spacing; justified.
- Page numbering starting on the top right corner.
- Titles in uppercase, bold, centered.
- Name(s) of author(s) and affiliations right-justified.
- Headings in bold, left justified.
Evaluation of papers
O The Scientific Committee is formed by the coordinators of the 15 WGs under the supervision of one member of the DNE. The Committee
forms the groups of referees, establishing assessment criteria and informing authors and the Organizing Committee about the results of evaluations.
The evaluation of studies will take into consideration the following criteria:
- Relevance of scope of research in the themes of the WG the study was submitted to;
- Consistency and strictness of the theoretical and methodological approaches used in the study and of the argumentation presented in the text;
- Relationship with the scientific production in the research area;
- Well-grounded conclusions;
- Grammar accuracy.
Each WG may consider other aspects to evaluate in studies, based on relevance.
A study may be approved with modifications, when referees suggest the required changes, which will be carried out for publishing in the annals.
Annals will be made available online before SIPEM.
Submission of papers
The access for sending the works is by the link:
In order for you to submit work on the SIPEM, you need to register as an Author at the event. How to do this?
1) Go to the SIPEM conference: VII International Seminar on Research in Mathematics Education
2) Sign in
3) In the right corner, go to My Profile
4) At the bottom of the page, check the Author option (and the others, if you want)
5) Save
6) Go to User Page
7) It will be available the option in the SIPEM - Author - New Submission